Masai Village

Masai Village

Friday, August 15, 2014

Keekorok Lodge

It was about a five or six hour drive from Lake Naivisha to the Keekorok lodge. Thank goodness for electronics. Every so often we would tell the boys "put down your game and look at the zebra, baboon....." Pretty soon the boys figured out they could take pictures with their systems. I still haven't downloaded the pictures off Sean's D.S. but he took lots. Daniel is a one upper. Sean said I took a hundred pictures,  Daniel said I took 300, then it was a thousand. Eventually they got to infinity.

The Keekorok lodge. Another beautiful setting. I felt some guilt driving through hours of poverty to stay in such luxury. Fortunately I can assuage my guilt by knowing I paid about 100 times what stuff was worth in the village and be totally OK with it.

A path leading to a hippo bar.

Sitting at the bar (not drinking) watching the hippo's play and fight and listening to them snort. Hippos are quite noisy.

Lot's of employees were dressed in traditional masai clothing.

When we first got to the lodge all four kids took off running right past this sign. A raucous ensued with employees chasing after the kids yelling "IT'S NOT SAFE!! COME BACK!" The employee's were totally alarmed and running as fast as they could. They said (after they rescued the kids) that hippo's come out of the water and hang out right below the sign. No children were injured by hippos. Again, another example of how attentive the staff was.

Since they couldn't go in hippo territory they climbed a tree.

They had fun playing in the hammocks.

Sleeping under the mosquito netting.

Another cold swimming pool.

Sean's necklace.

Hey monkey you don't look menacing, do you wanna play?

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